Shilo Kherington

Shilo Kherington

I am a knowledge seeker, a dot-connector, an INFJ, a curious soul.

As I navigated the ups and downs of my spiritual awakening I have explored many rabbit holes trying to understand anything and everything related to spirituality and the deeper mysteries of the universe.

Now, as I continue to expand and evolve, my mission is to share what I have learned with the intention of inspiring and supporting like-minded souls.

Eye of Horus Meanings and Myth

The Eye of Horus: The Myth and Meanings

The Eye of Horus, also known as the "wedjat eye," represents healing, protection, and wholeness. Its origins lie in the mythological struggle between Horus, the falcon-headed god of the sky, and Set, the god of chaos and disorder....

Kabbalah Symbols and Meanings

8 Kabbalah Symbols and Meanings

Kabbalah symbols carry profound meanings and insights into the nature of the divine, the universe, and the human soul. They serve as keys to unlocking the mysteries of creation, offering a pathway to spiritual enlightenment and a deeper...

Kabbalah Tree of Life Explained

The Kabbalah Tree of Life Explained

The Kabbalah Tree of Life is a symbolic representation of the divine, consisting of ten circles or spheres, known as Sefirot, which are connected by twenty-two paths. Each Sefirot represents a different aspect of the divine or a...

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