Shilo Kherington

Shilo Kherington

I am a knowledge seeker, a dot-connector, an INFJ, a curious soul.

As I navigated the ups and downs of my spiritual awakening I have explored many rabbit holes trying to understand anything and everything related to spirituality and the deeper mysteries of the universe.

Now, as I continue to expand and evolve, my mission is to share what I have learned with the intention of inspiring and supporting like-minded souls.

Yin and Yang Symbol Meaning

Yin and Yang: The Dynamic Balance of Opposing Forces

The Yin and Yang symbol illustrates how seemingly opposing forces are not only interconnected but also interdependent, constantly interacting to maintain the balance of the natural world. This concept, fundamental to the symbol's meaning, has permeated various aspects...

Endless Knot Meaning

The Endless Knot: Buddhist Symbol of Samsara and Eternity

The Endless Knot, with its intricate loops and intertwined lines, serves as a powerful symbol of eternity and interconnectedness across various cultures and spiritual traditions. Known by several names, such as the Eternal Knot, the Auspicious Drawing, and...

Caduceus Symbol Meaning

The Caduceus: Hermes Symbol of Harmony and Awakening

Originally associated with Hermes, the Greek messenger god, the Caduceus features two serpents entwined around a winged staff. This symbol is frequently confused with the Rod of Asclepius, a symbol traditionally linked to healing and medicine. The Caduceus's...

Eye of Providence

The Eye of Providence: Meanings & Conspiracies

The Eye of Providence, also known as the All-Seeing Eye, represents divine watchfulness, guidance and the omnipresence of a higher power. Historically rooted in Christian iconography, it is often depicted as a single eye enclosed within a triangle,...

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