Archangels are more than just ethereal figures; they are often seen as messengers, protectors, healers, and guides, each with unique attributes and specific roles that serve both the Divine and humanity.
This list of Archangels aims to serve as your starting point into the fascinating world of angelology.
From the warrior spirit of Archangel Michael to the healing touch of Raphael, and from the wisdom of Raziel to the controversial figure of Lucifer, this guide covers a wide spectrum of archangels, complete with their symbolism, iconography, and interesting facts.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article aims to be accurate and comprehensive based on various spiritual texts and traditions. However, it’s important to note that the names, roles, and characteristics of archangels can vary according to different belief systems, religious doctrines, and cultural interpretations. This article is not intended to be an exhaustive or definitive account, and readers are encouraged to explore multiple sources for a more comprehensive understanding.
The Seven Main Archangels in Western Christian Traditions
Michael: He Who is Like God
- Also known as: Mikha’el (Hebrew), Mikail (Islamic)
- Assists with: Providing spiritual protection, releasing fear and doubt
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted wielding a sword and holding scales
- Interesting Facts: Michael is considered the patron saint of police officers and is one of the few angels mentioned by name in the Bible.
Archangel Michael: Protector, Warrior, and Guide
Gabriel: Messenger of God
- Also known as: Jibril (Islamic), Gabrielle (alternative feminine form)
- Assists with: Delivering messages from God, providing guidance and revelation
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted with a trumpet or a lily
- Interesting Facts: Gabriel is associated with significant biblical events like the Annunciation and is perceived as either masculine or feminine depending on the faith tradition.
Archangel Gabriel: Divine Messenger of Revelation
Raphael: He Who Heals
- Also known as: Rapha’el (Hebrew), Israfil (Islamic)
- Assists with: Promoting better health, facilitating inner and outer healing
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted holding a staff or a fish
- Interesting Facts: Raphael is considered the divine healer and is the patron saint of travelers and medical workers.
Archangel Raphael: The Divine Healer
Uriel: Light of God
- Also known as: Auriel, Oriel
- Assists with: Providing intellectual insights, inspiring creativity
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted holding a book or a flame
- Interesting Facts: Uriel is considered the angel of wisdom and is sometimes associated with the arts and sciences.
Archangel Uriel: Angel of Wisdom & Enlightenment
Chamuel: He Who Seeks God
- Also known as: Camael, Kamael, Shemuel
- Assists with: Easing anxiety, bringing personal peace, helping find lost items
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted in pink or rose-colored robes
- Interesting Facts: Chamuel is often invoked for emotional peace and is considered the angel of pure love.
Archangel Chamuel: The Angel of Love and Peaceful Relationships
Jophiel: Beauty of God
- Also known as: Iophiel, Zophiel, Jofiel
- Assists with: Healing negative situations, bringing organization to thoughts and environments
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted holding a light or a flame
- Interesting Facts: Jophiel is considered the angel of beauty and is often invoked to bring harmony and aesthetic pleasure.
Archangel Jophiel: Angel of Beauty and Wisdom
Zadkiel: Righteousness of God
- Also known as: Tzadkiel, Zedekiel, Zidekiel
- Assists with: Improving memory and mental functions, encouraging gratitude and forgiveness
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted holding a dagger or a scroll
- Interesting Facts: Zadkiel is often invoked for cognitive improvement and emotional healing and is associated with the act of forgiveness.
Archangel Zadkiel: Angel of Mercy & Righteousness of God
List of Archangels in Eastern Orthodox Christianity
Jegudiel: Angel of Praise and Glory
- Also known as: Djegudiel, Yehudiel
- Assists with: Inspiring praise and glory towards God
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted holding a crown and a whip
- Interesting Facts: Jegudiel is venerated in Eastern Orthodox Christianity and symbolizes the heavenly reward for the faithful.
Selaphiel: Angel of Prayer
- Also known as: Salathiel, Selathiel
- Assists with: Guiding effective prayer and worship
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted in a humble posture of prayer
- Interesting Facts: Selaphiel is considered the patron of prayer and is invoked to guide the faithful in their devotions.
Barachiel: Angel of Blessings
- Also known as: Baraqiel, Baraqel
- Assists with: Bestowing blessings and abundance
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted holding a white rose
- Interesting Facts: In Eastern Orthodox iconography, Barachiel is considered the angel who bestows blessings upon people.
Archangel Barachiel: Angel of Blessings
List of Archangels in Judaism and Kabbalah
Metatron: Highest of Angels
- Also known as: Mattatron (alternate spelling)
- Assists with: Providing focus and motivation in new projects
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often associated with the Merkabah, the divine chariot and Metatron’s Cube in Sacred Geometry.
- Interesting Facts: Metatron is said to have led the Exodus from Egypt and is considered a guardian of children.
Archangel Metatron: The Chancellor of Heaven
Raziel: Secrets of God
- Also known as: Ratziel, Ratzial
- Assists with: Imparting divine wisdom and understanding universal secrets
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted holding a book or a scroll
- Interesting Facts: Raziel is said to have given a book of secrets to Adam and Noah, containing knowledge of the universe.
Archangel Raziel: Angel of Mysteries & Keeper of Secrets
Sandalphon: Twin Brother of Metatron
- Also known as: Sandolfon, Sandalfon
- Assists with: Delivering prayers to God and the spiritual realm
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often associated with music and musical instruments
- Interesting Facts: Sandalphon is believed to be the twin brother of Metatron and is associated with the sephirah Malkuth on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
Archangel Sandalphon: From Elijah to the Angel of Music
Tzaphkiel: Angel of Divine Contemplation
- Also known as: Tzaphqiel, Zaphkiel
- Assists with: Facilitating contemplation and understanding
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often associated with the sephirah Binah on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life
- Interesting Facts: Tzaphkiel is one of the archangels in Kabbalistic lore and is considered the angel of understanding.
Archangel Tzaphkiel: Divine Feminine Wisdom of God
List of Archangels in Various New Age and Non-Canonical Traditions
Phanuel: Angel of Repentance and Hope
- Also known as: Fanuel, Penuel, Peniel
- Assists with: Guiding individuals towards repentance, providing hope for eternal life, and protecting against spiritual accusations
- Interesting Facts: Phanuel is one of the four presences around the Lord of Spirits in the Book of Enoch and is considered the fourth archangel in certain traditions. He plays a crucial role in defending humanity against evil forces.
Phanuel: The 4th Archangel in the Book of Enoch
Ariel: Lioness of God
- Also known as: Auriel, Ari’el
- Assists with: Overseeing environmental causes, healing animals, and providing for physical needs
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted with animals or nature scenes
- Interesting Facts: Ariel is often invoked for matters related to nature and environmental protection.
Archangel Ariel: Lioness of God and Angel of Nature
Azrael: Whom God Helps
- Also known as: Azriel, Azra’il (Islamic)
- Assists with: Guiding departed souls to Heaven, helping heal from grief
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted holding a scroll or book of souls
- Interesting Facts: Azrael’s energy is calm and patient, and he is often invoked to help those who are grieving.
Archangel Azrael – The Angel of Death & Grief
Haniel: Angel of Intuition
- Also known as: Anael, Hanael
- Assists with: Enhancing intuition and bringing harmony
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted with lunar symbols
- Interesting Facts: Haniel is often associated with the moon and feminine energy and is invoked for emotional balance.
Archangel Haniel: Angel of Intuition & “Grace of God”
Jeremiel: Mercy of God
- Also known as: Jerahmeel, Remiel
- Assists with: Helping souls review their lives, encouraging learning from mistakes
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted holding a balance or scales
- Interesting Facts: Jeremiel assists in life reviews and encourages positive change.
Archangel Jeremiel: Angel of Mercy & Spiritual Transformation
Raguel: Friend of God
- Also known as: Raqael, Ruqya’il
- Assists with: Overseeing harmonious interactions, assisting with legal matters
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted holding a staff or a sword
- Interesting Facts: Raguel is considered the archangel who maintains harmony and order among other angels.
Archangel Raguel: Angel of Justice and “Friend of God”
Cassiel: Angel of Solitude and Tears
- Also known as: Kafziel, Qafsiel
- Assists with: Providing solitude and introspection
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often associated with Saturn and depicted holding an hourglass or a scroll
- Interesting Facts: Cassiel is considered a guardian of those who are introverted or solitary and is sometimes linked with the concept of divine justice and karma.
Archangel Cassiel: Angel of Temperance and Tears
Nathaniel: Angel of Fire and Purification
- Also known as: Natiel, Netanel
- Assists with: Facilitating purification and transformation
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted with fire or flames
- Interesting Facts: Nathaniel is often invoked for matters of purification, whether it’s emotional, spiritual, or physical.
Muriel: Angel of Emotions
- Assists with: Balancing emotions and enhancing intuition
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted with water or emotional symbols
- Interesting Facts: Muriel is often invoked for emotional healing and balance.
Archangel Muriel: Angel of Emotions and Patron of Empaths
Sariel: Angel of Guidance
- Assists with: Providing guidance and understanding fate
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted holding a compass or a lantern
- Interesting Facts: Sariel is often invoked for matters related to destiny and life path.
Archangel Sariel: Fallen Angel or Upholder of Divine Law?
Sachiel: Angel of Wealth
- Assists with: Bringing wealth and prosperity
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted holding a cornucopia or coins
- Interesting Facts: Sachiel is often invoked for matters related to financial abundance.
Archangel Sachiel: Angel of Wealth and Water
Camael: Angel of Divine Justice
- Also known as: Camael is often considered the same as Chamuel but focuses more on justice
- Assists with: Administering justice and providing strength
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted holding a sword or scales
- Interesting Facts: Camael is often invoked for matters related to justice and fairness.
Archangel Camael: Angel of Divine Justice
Israfel: Angel of Music and Song
- Assists with: Inspiring music and song
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted with musical instruments
- Interesting Facts: Israfel is often associated with the final trumpet call that announces the Day of Judgment in Islamic tradition.
Archangel Israfel: Angel of Music and Angel of Resurrection
Samael: Angel of Wrath and Destruction
- Assists with: Administering wrath and destruction
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted with fiery symbols or a sword
- Interesting Facts: Samael is a complex figure, sometimes considered an archangel and sometimes seen as a fallen angel or demon.
Archangel Samael: Angel of Death or Just Misunderstood?
Remiel: Angel of Hope and Faith
- Also known as: Jeremiel, Jerahmeel
- Assists with: Inspiring hope and faith
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted holding a staff or a flame
- Interesting Facts: Remiel’s name is often interpreted to mean “Mercy of God” or “Thunder of God”.
Archangel Remiel: Angel of Hope and Visions
Lucifer: Morning Star, Not an Archangel
- Symbolism and Iconography: Often depicted with a torch or as a light-bringer, sometimes with serpent or dragon imagery
- Interesting Facts: In Christian traditions, he is often considered a fallen angel who rebelled against God. However, in other belief systems and interpretations, he is seen as a symbol of enlightenment and individualism. The name “Lucifer” actually means “light-bringer” in Latin.
- Lucifer is not actually an archangel.
Lucifer the Fallen Angel: Myths Debunked
The world of archangels is a rich tapestry of divine intervention, guidance, and support that spans across various religious and spiritual traditions.
Whether you’re seeking protection, wisdom, or simply a deeper understanding of the celestial realm, each archangel offers unique attributes and lessons that can enrich your spiritual journey. While this article serves as a comprehensive starting point, the exploration doesn’t have to end here.
We encourage you to delve deeper into the fascinating roles, symbolism, and histories of these celestial beings. Whether you’re interested in the Kabbalistic interpretations, Islamic angelology, or Christian traditions, there’s a wealth of knowledge waiting for you. Our related articles offer a more in-depth look at individual archangels, their roles in different religious texts, and how they are venerated in various cultures.
So go ahead, take that deeper dive into the world of archangels. You might just find the guidance, inspiration, or healing you’ve been seeking. Thank you for reading, and may your journey be enriched by the wisdom and support of these heavenly messengers.